Monday, February 9, 2009

15th day of Lunar New Year

This year I have been working most of the days during chinese new year. Still managed to make full use of my time to do some house visiting and meet up with friends.

Still had fun! :)

Life have been happy for me so far.

Did one courageous thing. hahaha... no regrets! :p

This year I joined Singapore Men Chorus. Something new for me. Met alot of nice friends, get exposed to some nice musicals. Really look forward to every Friday's practise and the show in October. Singing makes me happy, really happy. heee...

Might stop Taekwondo for the time being. Since I reached my goal getting a black belt, I guess it is an achievement for me already :)

New Year Resolution.... work hard and earn more pocket money. Spend wisely and treat myself better :)

Yesterday has expired. Look forward to Tomorrow and move on happily. Most important is to Treasure what I have NOW :)

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